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Detailed schedule

Class 24

Exam review. Please bring questions and suggestions for review.

Class 23

There is an additional feedback form that will provide computer science faculty with significant additional assistance in shaping the COMP232 data structures course:

Today’s topic: depth-first and breadth-first graph traversals.

PowerPoint: intuitive-graph-traversals.pptx [UPDATED 12/7/2022] (fixed error on slide 5)

Handout: graph-traversals-handout.pdf

Handout solution: graph-traversals-handout-solution.pdf

Class 22

Please fill out the official feedback form for the course (we will do this in class time).

Today’s topic: graphs, including adjacency matrices and adjacency lists.

PowerPoint: class22-graphs.pptx

Class 21

Today’s topic: Java Stream API. Java code:

Class 20

Main topics for today: functional programming and lambda expressions. We may also begin on the Java Stream API.

This class and the next one will closely follow the corresponding textbook chapter, which is available for download as a Word document or PDF file.


To run Python code without installing anything, is a good option.

Purely for interest: If you are curious about where the “lambda” in lambda-expressions comes from… The use of the Greek letter lambda to represent an anonymous function was first introduced by Alonzo Church in his 1936 paper “An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory”, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 58, No. 2. (Apr., 1936), pp. 345-363. This paper is one of two that are most closely linked with the birth of computer science as an academic discipline. The other is Alan Turing’s paper on computable numbers, also from 1936. To find out more, take COMP314.

Class 19

Hash tables, session II. We continue with the PowerPoint, Java files, and handout from last time.

As part of our discussion of a few computer scientists, it’s well worth checking out Joy Buolamwini’s site, especially her video art “AI, Ain’t I A Woman.”

Class 18

Hash tables, session I.

PowerPoint: class18-hash-tables.pptx

Java: and

Handout: hash-table-handout.pdf (and the handout solution)

Class 17b

Exam review session. Please bring any questions.

Class 17

Note the announcement of midterm exam 2. Also note that homework six will be graded on completeness only, and can optionally be turned in before the exam or after the exam.


PowerPoint: class17-heap-sort.pptx

Class 16

Sorting algorithms: Today we study insertion sort and merge sort. Next time we study heap sort. Note that the textbook also discusses selection sort and mentions bubble sort and quick sort. It is good to read about and be aware of selection sort and bubble sort but we do not study them in detail.

We’ve seen this before:

Powerpoint: class16-insertion-and-merge-sort.pptx [UPDATED 10/31/2022]

Important basic fact: sum-of-1-to-n.pdf

Class 15

Topics for today (all optional, not on the exam or homework):

  1. Climate symposium discussion (and NYTimes article on the Merge at Ethereum)
  2. Generic expressions like CS232PriorityQueue<K extends Comparable<K>, V>
  3. AVL trees, or balanced trees generally.
  4. Javadoc demo
    • check out the Project | Generate Javadoc… command in Eclipse.

Help and discussion of homework 5 (bring your own questions)

Class 14

Next time: Help and discussion of homework 5 (bring your own questions)

Class 13

Class 12

Binary trees session 2. Today’s topics:

  1. Definitions of full and complete binary trees; and also perfect binary trees
  2. Statement of two theorems about binary trees (low importance – see textbook)
  3. Very important theorem about perfect binary trees:
    • a perfect binary tree of height h has 2^(h+1)-1 nodes (required knowledge, not in textbook, see powerpoint from previous class meeting).
    • therefore, any complete binary tree with n nodes has height in O(log n) – also required knowledge. [UPDATED 10/20/2022]
    • details are available in the Binary tree PowerPoint notes from the previous class meeting.
  4. Overview of the Visitor design pattern (see sample code for an example). Additional examples of the Visitor pattern (very useful for the binary tree homework assignment):
  5. Homework help for the binary tree homework assignment

A useful example of how to add methods that assist in debugging your code:

Class 11

Binary trees session 1. Today’s topics:


For next time:

Exam review session

Please bring any questions for material you would like to review before the exam.

Class 10

Today’s topics:

  1. Iterators
  2. Example of amortized analysis: cost of adding to an ArrayList

Class 9

Today’s topics:

  1. Abstract data type (ADT)
  2. List ADT
  3. Array-based list implementation
  4. linked list implementation
  5. running times for list operations (array versus linked)
  6. stack ADT
  7. queue ADT

Except for stacks and queues, all of the above is review of COMP132. See Topic 12 of the COMP132 study guide.

Fill-in slide for running times of list operations (array versus linked).

Class 8

Review of how to use generics. Then the new idea for this course: how to create your own generic classes and methods.

Class 7


We may also have time to review formal definitions of asymptotic notation, in which case the following handout will be used:

Class 6

Class 5

Overview of asymptotic running times, especially big-O.

Class 4

Backtracking and its connection to recursion, via recursion trees.

Class 3

Class 2

Elementary examples of recursion, using the coding examples in the textbook, including: 1.2.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.7, 1.3.9, 1.4.3. We will return to 1.4.2 next time.

Source code:

Class 1

Overview of the course.

Review: install Eclipse, create and run a Java program.

Homework 0: pulling an assignment from GitHub and pushing your solution for grading.

Please fill out the GitHub username form.

Last modified: Wed Dec 07 05:08:19 UTC 2022 by jmac.